Project Inquiry 8668858182
Cafe wheeze is located in 86/4/2 Borade Nagar, Salunke Vihar Road, Wanavadi, Borade Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411048, Contact details: 090289 18406.
The Ambiance is superb and the taste of food is delicious, perfect place to spend evening and have fun. The concept of cafe wheeze is to bring out the new you, the main focus is on youth and family by making segments in the place. There are two sections in cafe wheeze outdoor perfect for young crowd to chillax and inner section for family to have delicious food and enjoy movies and videos.
You can check out the menu from this link: cafewheezemenu or can order now through FoodPanda / Swiggy / Zomato
Even you can call and order: 090289 18406
The restaurant opens at 11Am and closes by 2AM, also available for express delivery (25min)
Categories: Salads, Appetizers, Main Course, Pizza, Sand witches, Burgers, Snakes, Deserts, Sweets, Beverages
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